Friday, April 26, 2019

Photo of the Week: Gelato in Molfetta!

While I was visiting my family in the small town of Molfetta in the region of Puglia, in Southern Italy, I went out with my cousin Livia and her friends and they introduced me to this delicious gelato: one scoop is green tea (tè verde) and cinnamon (cannella) flavored, and the other scoop is hazelnut (nocciola)! The tè verde e cannella flavor is specific to the region I was visiting, and I loved it! What are your favorite ice cream flavors? 


  1. I love chocolate with...nuts or fruit or caramel... But this gelato looks divine! Green tea and cinnamon are an unexpected combo, but I'm intrigued. It sounds like something Salt and Straw would put together.

    1. I also love chocolate ice cream! Especially with nuts, strawberries, and whipped cream, yum! Green tea and cinnamon is unexpected -- that's why when my cousin told me about it, I had to try it! She doesn't like it, but she doesn't like anything with cinnamon. I thought it was delicious! It totally sounds like a Salt and Straw flavor. I wish they made it!
