Thursday, May 23, 2019

Photo of the Week: At the Beach in Pescara!

This is the ocean jetty in Pescara, a beach city located on the east coast of Italy. I took this photo standing all the way down the jetty looking back towards the land. Jetties are usually built in order to protect coastlines from degradation caused by currents and tides, stretching from the sandy shore into the wavy water. In the distance, back on the shore, you can see all the umbrellas that restaurants and resort owners build into the beaches, and beyond that, the green trees and mountains. I absolutely love spending time at the beach! Do you like beaches?


  1. Is the ocean cold like here in oregon or is it warm?

    1. It depends on the day! On a day when the sun is out, the ocean is quite warm, since the sun here is quite warm.

  2. I Love the beach. It is my favorite place to be at on my free time. It is such a pretty view of the clear blue ocean, and the beach. It is such a wonderful combination together. Thank You

    1. The beach is also my favorite place to be :) The ocean water here is so clear and blue! It is absolutely stunning. Thank you for your comment Shaela!
